Date of purchase: 03 september 2014 Written: 17 january 2015 |
Travel agency: Сеть агентств TUI (Kyiv) Service type: пакетный тур |
Our collaboration with TUI started with wedding planning in September 2013. I have long been in love with Croatia, and decided to go there. But the main task was to select the right hotel for the occasion. I wanted our idleness to be calm and full of romance. Kind managers listened to our requirements and wishes, advised the hotel MELIA CORAL 5 *. My husband and I clarified all the questions, looked at the photos of the hotel and decided.
We made the right decision when we took the advice of the tour manager. MELIA CORAL is a hotel WITHOUT children. We, a young couple in love, children's herds and screams under the animation would only interfere. We were fascinated by the hotel: beautiful grounds, romantic beach, delicious food, polite and helpful staff.
We enjoyed our honey week. There were no problems with documents, accommodation, transfers and flights. TUI Ukraine travel agency gave us a dream wedding vacation.
Fully agree with andrvska1. Last year, my husband and I also had the opportunity to relax in Umag at the Melia Coral hotel - so it turned out that we combined my husband's working trip to Croatia and vacation. For us, too, the main selection criterion was that there would be no small children in the place where we would rest, since we ourselves were traveling without children. I was very impressed by the large well-groomed territory in a pine forest. The hotel has free car parking and you can also rent a car. I advise everyone who will be there to set aside a day and go to Plitvice Lakes. And the Melia Coral hotel itself is a romantic place to relax with your loved one - calm, quiet, beautiful, comfortable
Полностью согласна с andrvska1. Мы тоже в прошлом году имели возможность с мужем отдохнуть в Умаге в отеле Melia Coral - так получилоь , что совместили рабочую поездку мужа в Хорватию и отпуск. Для нас тоже главным критереем выбора было то , что бы в том месте, где будем отдыхать не было маленьких детей, так как сами ехали без детей. Очень впечатлила большая ухоженая територия в сосновом лесу. В отеле есть паркинг для автомобилей причем бесплатный, также автомобиль можно взять на прокат. Советую всем , кто будет там - выделить денек и съездить на Плитвицкие озера. А сам отель Melia Coral - это романтическое место для отдыха с любимым человеком - спокойно, тихо, красиво, уютно