Travel agency review Поехали с нами (Kyiv)

Service and quality at 0!

Date of purchase: 19 september 2018
Written: 12 november 2018
Travel agency: Поехали с нами (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

The travel agency may be good, but one employee can destroy the entire reputation of the company in a couple of years.

Lucky or unlucky to contact this office. We hoped for the future that there would be no more problems with them, but they were mistaken. My experience is more than 10 years of communication and successful purchases of tours and more than 12 trips with different, sometimes permanent travel agents. It all started when a certain employee Tatyana Zimudra tried to deceive us with the price for a package tour, which was already agreed upon before arriving at the travel agency. Upon arrival, as if something had changed in her head, either she refused to book the price, or she said that she could not do it, in general, negative. In general, we think we will survive at a great cost in such a wonderful country. But raising the cost by 70 bucks due to the fact that the manager screwed up and forgot about the paid service, and begins to pretend that it should still be included at our expense - it was rudeness. Okay, bargained with their director. After that, the contract was signed, and the fun began. All requests to the hotel for clarification of information were given 4 weeks before the trip to the tour, all that Tatiana could provide in 4 weeks was a link to the page of the hotel we were going to - atas is simple. Not only is a person not interested in anything in his industry, but he also does not do it for clients for clients' money. I called Cuba for my own money and they told me everything in detail at the hotel. The agent cannot make a normal request? If the agent's toad presses to call the hotel and find out all the information for tourists, then they could have already found out from the Tour Operator. But it wasn't there, we're lazy. They asked detailed questions about flights, about visas, about the situation with our visas, when they were ready - not a single answer for the whole time: Information about flights was provided in the following way: Departure at this time, arrival at that, and also the return route. Or “We will clarify”, “Tomorrow I will give an answer”, “After 14 we will inform you” - and silence, there is no answer for a couple of days. And a dozen more phrases of this nature. I decided to recruit a Tour Operator through which we fly - they told in detail: "Your visas are ready, you can pick them up tomorrow after 1 pm", "Your tickets will be ready in 2 days, come, pick up", "The flight lasts so much and so much, there is something there are transfers" - and this is the responsibility of the Tour Operator - a company that does not particularly care about us, since we have signed an agreement with a Travel Agent. 4 weeks of hellish torment, took pity on the company, but in vain - it was necessary to take the money and give it to a normal company that appreciates customers, that respects what customers ask.

???? But it didn't end there! When it came time to check in for the flight, it turned out that our tickets were not valid! While they began to call the director of the travel agency and sort it out, it turned out that the operator gave a reservation, which he canceled after applying for visas, and did not change the package of documents. I had to sit where there were seats.

But even more interesting, upon arrival at the hotel (after a day on the road), we were told at the hotel reception that our reservation was not valid. And we had to take a number for our money until the situation was clarified. We contacted the operator, the director of the travel agency, and our manager Tatyana. Tatyana replied that she had an official day off, and she would deal with this issue the next day! And we flew half the world, it is not clear where, there is almost no connection and the Internet, and your manager answers you: "Tomorrow." What is it like?

It's good that the director of the company got in touch, contacted the operators and resolved the issue with the settlement, the money for the room was returned. But the reason has not been explained why it happened. We did not receive an apology from either Tatyana or the director of the travel agent. From Tatyana it is clear that they will not be - this person will never admit his mistakes and is saturated with pride. And everything is as it should be.

By the way, when we talked to the director about Tatiana's lack of professionalism, she also did not apologize for the service, but said the only thing that there were no complaints about Tatiana yet.

And God forbid someone contact in his life with Agent TATYANA ZIMUDRA. Avoid if you value your time, future vacation and enjoyment away from mocking, boorish and low-grade pseudo-professionalism.

And I'm more in the firm Let's go with us with a foot.

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