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Kyiv Михайловская 22Б, оф. 57 (m. Postal Square)
(095) 5949913, (063) 5312713, (067) 2409913
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Travel agency rating:


Travel agency review Let's go with us

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Good service in the agency, everything went fine. There were transfers of flights and very bad ones, back and forth. In one case, there was a delay, and in the other, we left earlier. I don't know what all this could be connected with. We decided to take advantage of the offer on the account of the excursion by buying from the hotel guide. But there is no excursion, only extortion of money.

Travel agency review Let's go with us

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

In the agency, we told the girls what we want, what impressions we might have, what we want to get from the trip, and we were given the options from which we chose. Everything was quickly and clearly documented and soon flew to rest. Initially, we planned to go to Bukovel, but plans changed a bit, we decided to go to Egypt. We didn't have any transfers or delays.

Travel agency review Let's go with us

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Contacting the agency "Let's go with us", I received good service. I was consulted by a girl about the trip, she told me in detail that there were no questions. When we flew back, our flight was slightly postponed to a later time, but this did not affect our vacation.

faced either unprofessionalism or elementary 'swindle'

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Collaborated with the company for the first time with considerable travel experience and apparently the last. When choosing a tour, of course, there were certain wishes, the presence of which in the tour we were assured with 100% certainty. NOT A SINGLE wish was actually realized, everything turned out exactly the opposite! Moreover, the travel agent even managed to confuse the location of the hotel!!! There is either complete incompetence on the part of the travel agent, or deliberate deception! Apparently, the desire to send tourists at any cost is a priority in the work of "Let's go with us", at least Victor from the office on the street.

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