Турфирма Море турів

Ivano-Frankivsk Площа Ринок, 1 (вхід з вул. Тринітарська)
(099) 3581819, (098) 1035656
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Travel agency rating:


Review of the travel agency Sea of ​​Tours

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I was satisfied with everything, their consultation. I was not satisfied with those who did not tell us where and when to drop us off, and whether there will be a transfer. We were dropped off in a foreign country and we had to get to the hotel on their own. It's good that we had the Internet, we found everything. Excursions were offered to us, but we were not up to it.

Review of the travel agency Sea of ​​Tours

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I like this agency. The staff is quite open. If I was told that I was doing something stupid and it was better to take another tour, it was all true. And there were no problems with plane delays, as long as I travel with them. Everything corresponded to what I paid.

Review of the travel agency Sea of ​​Tours

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

The only thing I didn't like was that I told what and where, to which hotel, during Ramadan. Because if a person does not know that in the country of Ramadan, the tourist has nothing to go there. Especially we have a bunch of nuances out there for us. I had to talk about everything. I can't say anything about Turkey and Egypt, but as for Dubai, they don't know where we are being sent.

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