Travel agency review Монолит (Lviv)

Visa fraudsters. I wish no one to turn to such

Date of purchase: 25 january 2016
Written: 07 february 2016
Travel agency: Монолит (Lviv)
Service type: оформление визы

Seeing the ads for visa support, we decided to contact the travel agency "Monolith". It seems that a strange, travel company, with an official website, a package of documents and its own office provides visa processing services. Asking over the phone what exactly is meant by visa support - it turned out that this is a complete package of documents for a visa "turnkey" during the day. at the visa center and a copy of passports). The client is required only to withdraw from the bank card (the "manager" stressed that the only condition should be no credit and a positive balance on the card - from 1000 UAH thousand), payment for visa center services, consular fees and personal presence in assigned hour. And all this at a price of 70 euros, which is paid after receiving a package of documents before filing.

At the request of guarantees that Anya Monolithsche will receive a visa, the only "manager" Anya, if you can call it that, assured that there can be no problems with documents of both the Polish and Ukrainian sides. The company has more than one year, and it is logical that they should cherish the reputation… Although it should be alarming that the company with 20 years of experience has one permanent "manager" and a director with free attendance.

Of course, the documents raised doubts about the receipt. After all, the registration was scheduled for one day, and the hostel was booked the day before. You do not need to be a consul to see the lack of logic in such an algorithm: a person pays for a hotel while still in Ukraine, and receives a positive result on the day of eviction from the same hotel.

And instead of setting the right date, not skimping on those 70 euros to make a reservation for another day after the visa (booking was the cheapest place in the hostel, only 28 zlotys), the so-called Anya from the travel agency Monolith assured that this is standard procedure, and so she makes documents for everyone (!). Of course, when ordering a service, you are already trying to trust its provider, despite such violations.

(video transfer of documents later)

Of course, the documents were rejected. The official reason for the denial of the visa was: "it turned out that the information provided to confirm the purpose and conditions of the planned trip did not correspond to reality." That is, the tour operator Monolith knowingly sells a fake set of documents, which is not confirmed at the embassy.

As a result - a stamp of denial of a passport with a positive visa history before applying for services to the company Monolith, "wolf ticket" to obtain a visa for an indefinite hour. These are the consequences of cooperation with a "reputable" travel agency operator.

Oksana Romanivna Verbitska, director of Monolith. Director Verbitska Oksana Romanivna was very surprised by the demands to return the money. In response to the claims, she threatened with allegations of complicity in forgery, accused of having credits and convictions that allegedly allowed the consulate to refuse registration, sent complaints to the consul (who did not explain the reasons for the refusal) and was genuinely surprised by the dissatisfaction. customers should also thank for such services.

Therefore, getting caught on the scheme of visa fraudsters will not be able to prove anything, which, of course, is designed for the scheme of "Monolith", and similar offices. True to the truth, numerous damage to the nerves of himself and the team of the infamous tour operator "Monolith" managed to return half the amount, under a receipt that has no claims. But who will return and reimburse the rest of the amount lost an hour, not to mention the costs of the visa center.

It is not known how Monolit Travel Agency provides other travel services, but judging by how "easy" it is to return funds for unsatisfactory services, it is possible to think three times whether to work with such an approach.

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