Турфирма Материк

Kyiv ул. Боричев Ток 35А, оф.8 (m. Kontraktova Square)
(044) 3843594, (095) 5640012
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Travel agency rating:


This center is my lifesaver!

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

To begin with, I have never applied to such visa centers, I always took package tours, and the visa was already included there. Recently, at work, they offered to go on a trip to Europe, and as always they offered 3 days before the trip itself, I really didn’t want to refuse such an offer, and I began to look for how I could get a visa faster, because I understood that if I go to the consulate myself - it will take at least a week of time, and I definitely would not have time to collect a package of documents.

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