Travel agency review КОТЭ (Kyiv)

Liked the tour

Date of purchase: 16 august 2016
Written: 30 september 2016
Travel agency: КОТЭ (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

I liked the tour, I left a lot of impressions!

We booked with the manager Anna, a professional in her field, explained everything in an accessible way, helped to find comfortable seats on the bus.

The bus lived up to expectations, although I consider interruptions in watching movies on the road as a minus (if a movie got lost at a stop, it was not squandered, but a new one was turned on).

The leader of the group, at such moments, filled the pauses with stories about Georgia, though she read it from a leaf.

Although there were shortcomings in the work of the escort, the overall impression was good.

We did not expect much from hotels, we were told when booking that these were ordinary triples. The only hotel that impressed me was Edelweiss - the view from the room is something!

For excursions, since we took the entire package in Ukraine, we did not think that the program was so rich, there was almost no free time - this is a minus.

Guides. Sergei was in Tbilisi, he is charismatic, he presented information in an interesting way, which cannot be said about Nikita, of course he told a lot of information, but somehow sluggishly.

In general, I liked the trip, but as for me, the program was very rich.

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