Travel agency review КОТЭ (Kyiv)

Georgia is wonderful, the organization is terrible.

Date of purchase: 09 august 2016
Written: 07 september 2016
Travel agency: КОТЭ (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

The idea and the program are wonderful, but the execution is terrible, the accompaniment is amateurish. I was very lucky with the team on the bus, which smoothed out the ruined vacation.

The company provided a bus with a roof leaking during rain (in Batumi, 2 seats were completely wet), a rear window broken and sealed with tape, cracks in the windshield,

several windows in the cabin fogged up from the inside, which prevented the view from the inside of the bus.

Garbage bags in the cabin of the bus were changed extremely irregularly and only upon urgent request, which led to a constant smell of garbage in the cabin.

The TV in the cabin worked either very loudly, which was very annoying, or it constantly hung, snowed, buzzed when watching a video. The set of films and programs for viewing is extremely limited (for some reason, they tried to show the same episodes of the Eagle and Tails program several times to tourists).

There were no folding tables for eating during the transfer (it is not entirely clear how you can eat and drink hot without folding tables. In the process of moving, something constantly fell on things).

Provision of sleeping places in the bus - tourists are not provided with information in advance that the seats will be laid out only in certain places of the route and for a short time. On the first night, the beds were laid out for only 2 hours. On the second night, when traveling across Russia, the sleeping places in the bus were not laid out at all. The escort lied that there would be checkpoints at night, but the first checkpoint was only at 4 am.

One of the drivers is still driving through Russia on 08/10/2016. got seriously ill. His leg was swollen and he could not drive the bus. We drove with one driver, which is a violation and put the lives of tourists in danger. From Tbilisi, we contacted the Kote company and they promised to send us a replacement driver, but this was not done. During almost the entire tour, there was always one driver behind the wheel, including a night trip to Batumi. The ill driver got behind the wheel only on the last day of the tour after a week of antibiotic treatment. Then he immediately knocked down a mirror on the bus, which was repaired with the participation of tourists, losing another 1.5 hours.

The bus is not equipped with either a navigator or a map, and all excursions from Tbilisi were crumpled by a discussion of the route between the driver and the guide. The guide did not know the way, as this is not part of her duties.

In Tbilisi, without warning tourists, a hostel was replaced. Conditions in the actual proposed hostel were unsatisfactory (non-working plumbing, broken locks on the doors).

The hotel in Batumi is located on the border of the city and the suburbs in the construction area, where there were constant incidents (no water to wash or go to the toilet, WI-FI disappeared and never appeared, a complete lack of food in the hotel (except for breakfast), in the rooms the hotel does not have the ability to dry things - no

balcony, no rope, no heated towel rail. The landscape from the window is the wall of a neighboring dilapidated private house, a trash can and a garden. The request to approach the escort to solve the problem was ignored until the issue of changing rooms was resolved by the tourists themselves. Waited for about an hour. In the hotel area, the infrastructure necessary for tourists is completely absent - there are no cafes, restaurants, shops, markets, entertainment venues.

Taxi drivers in Batumi do not know the street where the hotel is located.

In Batumi, the rooms in the hostel were flooded, in which 4 tourists lived. The resettlement problem was solved with the help of the local population without the participation of an escort who did not appear to assist the tourists. When she arrived, she did not even ask about the state of affairs.

As a result of the non-appearance of the escort on time, a sightseeing tour of the city did not take place in Tbilisi. The survey of the city was organized on its own. The guide, at a loss, tried at the request of the tourists to conduct at least some kind of excursion, but she was constantly interrupted by calls on the escort's phone. The promise to pick up tourists from the European Square after the pseudo-tour of the city was not fulfilled, everyone had to take a taxi.

A sightseeing tour of Batumi was held at the expense of the free time of tourists (day 8 of the tour 08/16/2016).

Forgetfulness of the escort on many issues, from a promise to make tea to not providing all tourists with information about the place and time of collection before and after the tour, about the program for the next day, etc. Changing the program at the last moment, as a result of which it was impossible to visit these objects or visited them without a guide. Complete disruption of the excursion to Tbilisi and the declared wine tasting due to the fault of the escort.

Payment of customs duty in the amount of 100 UAH. or 260 rubles. – at what border and on the basis of what documents? At no border was the passage in any way accelerated. For what purpose was the money raised? On the way to Georgia, the Ukrainian-Russian border passed 7.5 hours, the Russian-Georgian 5.5 hours. In the opposite direction, the Georgian-Russian border passed 8 hours.

On the bus, tourists were not provided with information and recommendations about the rules of conduct, currency exchange. There was no reference information from the accompanying person during the trip. At the request to indicate the meeting point on the map - a place was indicated within a radius of 2-3 km and it was said that "somewhere here." The address and name of the restaurant for the Georgian feast "Supra" were not reported to the tourists.

The attendant often slept during the day when she was supposed to work with the group.

Check-in at a hotel in Tbilisi took place without an escort.

The group voted for early departures on excursions, but according to the decision of the escort, not agreed with anyone, they left no earlier than 10-00. As a result of late departures for excursions, the free time of tourists was lost.

In Sighnaghi, wine was not included in dinner in national traditions. The escort spent a long time buying wine for herself, as a result of which half of the group dispersed around the city and then the tourists gathered together for a long time.

In Tbilisi, two tourists did not get on the bus at the appointed time and from 19-00 to 24-00 they were waiting not on the square at the collection point, but at the hostel with suitcases in complete ignorance of what to do next and whether they would be taken from there. We received information about further actions through the office ourselves.

The order of the excursions "Mountainous Adjara" and "Botanical Garden" was changed, which several tourists learned about only after leaving. Three tourists did not get on the excursion "Mountain Adjara" at all due to lack of information.

Contrary to the wishes of the whole group (tourists voted), the accompanying person after the excursion to the Botanical Garden organized a forced arrival of the bus to the center of Batumi and a stop for 1.5 hours, without explaining to the tourists what the stop was for and why it was needed at all. At the same time, the driver, from his own experience, advised not to drive into Batumi at all, since the city has narrow streets and big traffic jams, and tourists were always met at the entrance to the city near the cable car. This advice was ignored. The answer to the tourists was expressed in a very incorrect form.

Throughout the tour, the escort ignored the advice of drivers who had repeatedly traveled this route.

Due to the delay in Batumi, the further excursion program of this day was disrupted.

Providing tea and coffee on the way to Georgia and back - constant lack of water, the promise to make tea or coffee and the failure to fulfill this promise. To drink, had to look for drinks at bus stops. There is no water in the bus, then it is not heated, then the attendant is sleeping.

The attendant did not know about the availability of free toilets in the parking lots, offering to go to a paid and not very clean toilet, although there was a free and cleaner toilet 50 meters away.

The escort did not have normal maps of the areas where we were.

The escort did not provide information about the possibility of receiving free starter packs for local mobile communications and, in general, any information on this issue.

Insurance policies were not issued to tourists and were not even shown, which gives reason to doubt their availability.

At the same time, clause 2.1.2 of the Agreement for the provision of tourist services provides for the provision of the tourist with the necessary documents for a tourist trip.

In addition to the above, optional excursions also did not correspond to the declared tour program. Prices for excursions did not correspond to their real cost. In particular:

1. The traditional Georgian feast "Supra" - the discrepancy between the amount paid for the service provided - a meager table, only white wine, a weak entertainment program and it is not clear why without a toastmaster.

2. In Kakheti, due to the lack of organization of the trip, they did not even go to the holy spring, not to mention bathing. According to the nun at the source, a visit to the group could be ordered in advance and go to the source and the bath without a queue at the appointed time. According to the information received from the guide accompanying the group, the main part of the sights of Kakheti was outside the group's route, the journey through Kakheti was carried out along the most unremarkable route.

3. Excursion to the Botanical Garden does not correspond to the paid price. The cost of the entrance ticket (8 GEL), the use of an electric car on the territory (5 GEL), the services of a guide for a group (5 GEL) total about $ 8 per person, while the tour is conducted throughout the garden. We walked along a very shortened route only through the upper garden at a cost of $20 for the tour. After the end of the tour at the appointed time, all the tourists gathered on the bus, and the attendant spent another 40 minutes solving her questions by phone.

4. Excursion "Mountain Adjara". Due to the delay in Batumi due to the fault of the escort, we did not get to the declared dinner with trout in the territory of Adjara and in the Gonio-Apsaros fortress, although the entrance tickets were paid.

The impression of staying in Batumi was improved only by the guide Anna Chiaureli, who had an excellent tour of mountainous Adjara and a sightseeing tour of Batumi. The guide did not start the excursion in mountainous Adjara on time, as the accompanying person and the guide could not agree on the cost of the excursion for a long time (information received from the guide).

5. Due to the delay, the tour in Uplistsikhe was without a guide. Its cost is $20, although the entrance ticket costs only 3 lari (about $1.3) - a clear discrepancy between the price paid and the services provided. They apologized to us for the first time, but the money was not returned. According to the information accompanying the return of money, it is necessary to carry out through the office of the company.

6. The ascent to Gergeti in jeeps took place without a guide, although all groups of tourists at the top had one.

Negative reviews of tourists who bought a full package of services on the official website have not been published (11 signatories) and have not yet answered the question where they have answered.

Everything turned out like in the old Soviet film for the invention "5", and for the exam "2".

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