Travel agency review Дельта Тревел (Kyiv)

Zhlobskaya company with a zhlobsky attitude towards tourists.

Date of purchase: 28 october 2011
Written: 05 november 2011
Travel agency: Дельта Тревел (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Went tour "European caprice". Not a very good impression. First, the bus did not move to the side of the seat. We were told it was a French bus. There was little leg room. Secondly, the guide Marina, with banknotes in her eyes, began to collect money for all sorts of trips, without informing that, for example, it was 450 km to Munich one way from Prague. A boat trip costs 350 kroons, but they collected 500 each. for cashing out. The guides are either weak or didn't have time to tell everything. For example, Vienna, 10 euros for showing Hundertwasser's house, but people didn't see the Hofburg itself. The guide showed Stephansdom outside and took everyone urgently to eat in the canteen for 13 euros.

We went with another group because we wanted to see and hear at least something.

Budapest. Ridiculous. 40 minutes bus ride. We were there before 3 days and then we didn’t see everything. And then 10 euros - 40 minutes.

Next, when checking into a hotel, bus 192 was told how to get there (it goes into this hole alone), but, most importantly, that a stop on demand was not even hinted at. We guessed it ourselves, and then because we had already traveled quite a lot. Marina said that, they say, take the business card of the hotel and the name of the stop will be indicated there. But, unfortunately, the name of the stop is not on the business card. And in general - the hotel is junk (START 3 *). The rooms are ok. But the insanely far away and not convenient. And the food .... one kind of cheese, one kind of garlic sausage, the first 10 lucky ones can catch boiled eggs cut in half.

And the last thing - collecting tips for drivers on the border with Ukraine. We thought that we were in Turkey.

In general, a zhlobskaya company with a zhlobsky attitude towards tourists.

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