Travel agency review Гал-Круиз (Lviv)


Date of purchase: 04 june 2018
Written: 17 july 2018
Travel agency: Гал-Круиз (Lviv)
Service type: пакетный тур

In June, this travel agency sent to the festival "Olympus Gathers Talents 2018" village. Neo Moudania about 1000 children and adults accompanying them.

The trip is sheer stress: the bus that carried the children of the Kharkov team broke down and stood in Bulgaria for about 7 hours, in the middle of the night the children were brought to the Thessaloniki region, but the hotel declared for settlement was not waiting for them - the children were settled in parts (in a villa, in two hotels and hostel), 4 days passed tolerably (to collect the children, leaders and parents spent a lot of time), on June 25 the children moved out, got on the bus - it did not start and changed the batteries for two hours. Further more: we arrived at another hotel for accommodation - the hotel is being renovated and has not received tourists for a year now. Everyone is in shock: where to live and what to do next. Appeals to the police, the Ukrainian consulate in Thessaloniki (the consul said that it was expensive for him to communicate in roaming and hung up), to the tour operator "Gal-cruise" and the representative of "Elvi Tour" did not lead to a positive result for 9 hours. Children lay on the beach, under the bus, hungry and without a roof over their heads. Then a tour of hotels began, where they were not expected. By 2 o'clock in the morning the children were pushed, there is no other way to tell whom where and even into the basement for the staff.

The competition began and it was the next stage of testing. The competition fee was not paid, the diplomas were not signed or sealed, i.е. empty. The final chord - the way home was not paid for by transport companies. Parents and leaders simply revolted.

All of the above happened through the fault of the director Moskal Irina Teodeevna, the managers of the company Olga and Oleg "Gal cruise" Lvov, who did not provide supporting documents, vouchers for accommodation in hotels, checks for paid services. They were only fed with empty promises that the documents would be given in Ivano-Frankivsk, then in Thessaloniki

Do not contact these scammers and do not let your children go into the unknown.

This affected many teams from Odessa, Rivne, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kremenchug.

Moskal Irina Teodeevna - director of the travel agency "Gal Cruise" Lviv during the festival was detained by the police, because. about 1000 children and adults ended up in an open field instead of the hotels that were presented by the organizers.

BEWARE OF SCAMMERS AND CONTACT THE TEAM LEADERS WHO VISITED THE COMPETITION IN GREECE for a collective appeal to the competent authorities to conduct an audit of the activities

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