Travel agency review Астрамарин тур (Mykolaiv)

Canceled visa by border guards for a fake invitation

Date of purchase: 05 august 2015
Written: 16 march 2016
Travel agency: Астрамарин тур (Mykolaiv)
Service type: оформление визы

The story of an unsuccessful trip to Poland with the subsequent canceled visa, thanks to the travel agency "Astramarin-Tour"...

Dear Nikolaevites! I want to tell my story about how I unsuccessfully went to Poland to work,

thanks to the travel company "Astramarin-Tour".

Like many Ukrainians nowadays, I decided to go to Poland in order to earn money. For this I need

was a working national visa "D". I was advised by the travel company "Astramarin-Tour", which helps with getting

visas and employment in the Republic of Poland. To do this, I had to pay 2500 UAH for collecting all the necessary documents,

pay a visa fee of 18 euros (UAH 435) and go to the visa center in Odessa to submit documents.

I did everything as it was said and all I had to do was wait for the courier with my passport and visa ready for half a year

in Nikolaev.

After 10 days, my documents were delivered to me, but the passport was denied and a letter indicating the reason

failure. The reason was as follows: "You didn't cover the grounds more expensive" and "You gave unreliable or false documents."

I was upset and wanted to demand my money back for the services. Nobody wanted to return the money, because in the agency branch of responsibility

does not bear the decision of the consul. Nobody told me about this at first. I was assured that I would get a visa anyway. Deal,

that they will collect the documents for me a second time for free, but I will have to pay the visa fee of 18 euros again (it turned out to be 475 UAH).

I decided to try again. I was told in the travel agency that the documents are original, just a wave of refusals went on and you fell under the distribution. I went through the same procedure and after 10 days they brought me my documents and an approved visa.

"That's it! You can go!" - I thought. I bought a ticket to Lviv, and then to Warsaw.

I was very worried when crossing the border.

I asked the travel agent: "What if they ask me how I got a job? What should I say?quot;. To which the travel agent replied:

"They don't ask that! They won't even talk to you! Everything will be fine! Everyone drives like that! Don't worry."

When I passed the Polish customs "Hrebenem", which borders on our "Rava-Ruska", a Polish border guard came up and began

ask: "Where is Pan going?quot; I answered everything by invitation, nothing more. They took my invitation and passport and

go check it out. After 40 minutes, the border guard comes back and tells me to get out of the car. The driver said:

"I'll tell you chi Pan їde, chi Pan not їde, check." I was taken to their guarded camp (Customs), cheated in full

and told to wait. I realized that there was something wrong with the invitation. Went 3 hours of my expectations and I decided to ask. "Sheprashen,

How many more checks?quot;

To which they answered me: "Your piece of paper is fake! De buying a piece of paper?quot;. I realized that everyone had arrived.

I told the situation to my parents, they contacted the travel agent. She said that everything there is original, they take on a show off or

let them call the company that I was driving and they will confirm that they are waiting for me! I stated all this to the Polish border guards, but they

it didn't matter. The invitation was not registered in their database. An hour later they came to me and said that I was detained.

I was given the right to one call, which I spent on calling my mother. Then I was taken to a room with white walls and bars.

on the windows. There I waited for 6 hours. Then I was interrogated for 2 hours and all this time without a telephone connection.

Bottom line: I paid a huge fine of 1500 PLN = 360 euros, I was fingerprinted, photographed and released

at 12 o'clock at night. This is considering the fact that I got to the Polish customs at 2 pm. 10 hours of nerves and expectations. My visa was


Having returned back and contacted the above-named company, which so successfully "sent me to work", I received the following answer: the company does not feel guilty of anything, does not take responsibility for anything! I don't care what, I spent a lot of money on moving and that

that my visa was cancelled. Following. once it gets abroad it will be problematic.

Thanks to Astramarin-Tour for their services. The tour agent's name is Irina. I am simply amazed. Think for yourself, you should contact

similar agencies or not? My advice is to do your best and take things as seriously as possible. Don't get caught

for such a divorce. After all, I'm not the first and not the last who got it. Especially do not get fooled by divorces when they promise

100 percent result. Take receipts, documents, papers, so that you can then go to court with them.

The last person in the photo is the same Irina.

I would be sincerely grateful to the administration for posting information.

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