Travel agency review Анга Тревел (Kyiv)

Good program, although I would like to change something, the staff is so-so

Date of purchase: 24 august 2017
Written: 29 august 2017
Travel agency: Анга Тревел (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

"After Volyn" 24-27.08.2017. Good tour. It is a pity that the infrastructure is zero. Boarding house "Shatsky lakes" - a nightmare. It is not even necessary to describe. But the place is good, the hot water is there. Food on the tour - edible.

Elena didn't even understand the role of Olena's administrator. Can't connect two words, boring and unprofessional. At the border, made the wrong list of tourists, and the company could fly a hefty fine. Love asked me not to go far near the Tunnel, because everything is the same there, so there is nothing to watch. The genius of advertising! It is good that she was almost completely replaced by the guide Myroslava - a smart, experienced, energetic woman. He knows a lot, love his job. And although not all of her stories are interesting, and sometimes historically dubious, the impression is generally positive. Driver Alexander is competent, polite.

What is unpleasant: when they were already on the road, the bus was returned to Kyiv to pick up 2 women who were late and did not answer calls.

As a result, they spent more than 1-1.5 years on the bus, lost all the mornings that could be spent in nature, and did not rest after the night move. Instead of apologizing to the group, Olena apologized to the two on behalf of the company. I'm sorry, but it's unbelievable. The passenger, not the carrier, is responsible for late arrival at the point of departure. You didn't want noise and put the interests of 2 irresponsible tourists above the rights of the other 22, who had no problems with planning. This is outright disrespect.

The so-called "picnic" is actually a mini-party with vodka and a vulgar "entertainment" program in the dining room. To the amateur.

I liked the trip to Belarus the most. Thank you for showing us the Brest Fortress on the way back, although it was not in the program. Pleasantly. I would replace some objects of the excursion program, but this is subjective. In general, emotions and impressions are positive. I recommend!

I would like to thank you for organizing tours in Ukraine. It would be good if this direction continued to develop in our country together with the tourist infrastructure.

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