Date of purchase: 14 july 2017 Written: 22 july 2017 |
Travel agency: Аленушка (Berdichev) Service type: пакетный тур |
It’s not enough for people to have such an attitude to people. For the director of that pracivniki tsієї office, the head of the brute “shave” pennies from you, and everything else doesn’t cripple. in the middle of the bus, then they pushed half of the people on the buses of the office and other times they spent on the highway, I was one of the quiet ones who was pushed into this "hell" on wheels for 6 years I was standing at a temperature in the cabin close to 25 degrees, if you hit the back of that hand Dazhea murdered, NIG DO NIMED SUN DRIVEL TALL TO DECHILE DO NOT MIG HEAGE ON THE SUCH OF THE SUCH OF THE INSTALLY.THEPHIPHALEN THE DIRECTOR OF THE SHANNY VALINALIVNI ZI SKARGO I felt like that, I had to do it all, it became once again overgrown with "rose".
I would like to help all the practitioners of this company, especially the director and the waters of the "executioners" because all the lives of the stench of those children and grandchildren traveled to take a break.