Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

They don't care about customers!

Date of purchase: 10 may 2012
Written: 11 june 2012
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I decided to go on the tour "The Ways of the Bremen Town Musicians" (from 9. 06. 12 for 9 days). Before its registration on 11. 05 in the travel agency-agent, according to the representative of "Accord", I was told that there were places left in the second half of the bus. It's not scary, I submitted the documents. On May 14, the agent said the tour was confirmed. And on May 28 in the evening I was taken aback: the tour was canceled! Before departure - two weeks. It would seem, return my money, passport and everything. No, these bastards submitted documents to the Polish consulate! The passport, as expected, came out of there "back to back" to the trip - 7.09. I did not have time to buy another tour. The vacation was covered with a copper basin! The scheme is as follows: they want to fill buses for ALL tours to the eyeballs so that the profit is maximum. They cancel the tour for which they least want, and offer people other alternatives. I was offered three options with night crossings, which is not good. If you don't want to, it's your problem. No apologies! At the same time, the agent barely knocked out the money for the canceled tour! And for a visa, of course, no. Taking into account the fact that I overpaid train tickets to Lviv, I lost more than 400 UAH out of the blue. Please note: in "Akkorda" they do not communicate directly with customers, it is IMPOSSIBLE to leave a review on their website! Their clients are garbage! Look for other operators!

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