Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)


Date of purchase: 01 september 2018
Written: 24 october 2018
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

MI chose this firm, the one who had already been greeted 1 time by її servants - everything was worth it. Another time in 2 days we were told about those who did not get a group, we went with another company. For the third time (at once), we were reminded again in 2 days that the group did not get enough, but the admission was taken, the suitcases were taken, it was good enough to change the tour ((

"Happy sombrero" tour to Spain - a disaster! A tour without overnight transfers to Akkord means a ride in a tight bus (and we were asked to pay a free ticket in another row - when buying a tour, the seats are additionally paid for 15-25 euros / month. sat, like leafing for the herbarium between the sides). Journey for 12-15 years in Europe vdovzh vіdbіynik autobahn i day and night. Settling in a hotel in another or third year of the night, and then we’ll send money about 7 o’clock to the bus again with music from 40 years ago, or films with a filthy sound. What about work?

Abo sleep, or marvel at the parkan vzdovzh autobahn. Munich mi "wondered" in the night! bigom!!! for 40 hvilin + pіv year of the free hour. In Budapest, the "excursion" took place in such an hour. And why more?! "Accord" by ticking your own box that the excursions were taken. Nice, Monaco, Zurich, Barcelona - two same excursions one after the other in darkness - all big!!! (((Gaudi Park for the first year of the year, Sagrada de Familia - big! We didn’t go into the middle of the sky. And the tours were paid well! For the first time in my life, I was glad that I turned to Europe (("Akkord" does not think about its clients. Why take away pennies, why by deceit, but give yourself torment! What did I remember from the trip - a long parkan, embossing, big, vtom (not accepted), deceit.

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