Travel agency review Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)

Avoid this office

Date of purchase: 29 december 2019
Written: 06 february 2020
Travel agency: Аккорд-тур Туроператор (Lviv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Let me share my story of how the Accord Tour let us down. In general, we bought the Love Confession Tour without night trips, as it is written on the website 2 nights in Prague + 2 nights in Vienna.

The first thing that upset me was that 5 days before the departure, an information sheet was sent, in which there was information about hotels.

And then WARNING! one hotel 45 km. from Prague, and the second 60 km. from Vienna! What??? Is it called 2 nights in Prague + 2 Nights in Vienna?

I asked a travel agent about this (Marina Bakhmatskaya, Odessa), through which I bought the tour. She said that it was normal, high season, etc., in general, in her manipulative manner of speech, she spoke that everything was ok. Well, okay, I think. Although initially we took this tour specifically for the purpose of spending the night in Prague and Vienna in the city itself, so as not to waste time and effort on moving, and take a longer walk. But that's not the point!

The most unpleasant thing was that on the last day, the tour schedule included a boat trip in Budapest, which was not included in the tour program, and Budapest itself was not on the tour. He made this chord to make more money. Initially, we did not pay attention to this, we did not go on an excursion, since we had previously been on it. But then we realized that because of this squeezed excursion, we were late for the train. Estimated time of arrival was 00:00. Accord recommends taking tickets 1-2 after the estimated time of arrival, we took tickets for 03:00, with a margin. The border was passed quickly in 1-1.5 hours, there were no force majeure. I start asking the guide if we will arrive on time, he did not answer anything sane. At the same time, knowing that we are late, he makes a stop for 30 minutes so that some of the passengers buy vodka on the bus for drinking, just think about it!!!

I call the travel agent to find out what to do in such a situation when we are obviously late, and the guide does not care. The travel agent immediately starts talking about the high season, customs, force majeure, etc. That is, without knowing the information, she immediately took the position of the Accord! In general, we missed the train by 3 minutes! Tickets are lost. We freeze for 4 hours at the station, the hotels do not answer, the direct train to Odessa is only in the evening. We bought tickets for 7:00 to Vinnitsa, and from there to Bla-Bla Cara to Odessa. No one apologized and no one admitted his guilt. Upon arrival, I got the travel agent to demand compensation for the cost of tickets Lviv-Vinnitsa-Odessa, as a result, only half was returned, and then through a scandal. But it's not about the money, it's about the attitude. We got on our nerves and ruined the tour. Therefore, in order not to get into such situations, I do not recommend anyone to contact this sharashka office called Accord Tour and travel agent Marina Bakhmatskaya, since I consider them scammers, they do not fulfill their obligations - this is only my value judgment.

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