Hotel impressions

Written: 20 march 2008
Travel time: 20 — 27 march 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
just returned from a holiday, the hotel left a generally positive impression. Lovers of food and sleep to stay at this hotel is still not recommended. For breakfast EVERY morning, sausages, eggs and baked potatoes, tea, coffee, milk and strange juice... for lunch, chicken legs in sauce, rice, potatoes and some other dishes, I’m silent about the first - tear off the cook’s hands or practice in Russia, at least. . . well, and as it was already said, all this is washed down with cold water at dinner - this is, of course, tin. . . The menu has been unchanged all week, I suspect that it will remain so.
As for sleep - don't even dream on the third and fourth floors, even on the fifth floor there is a concrete pressure on the ears and a brain trying to relax... the nightly rigmarole ends at about 2-4 am. but otherwise - polite, helpful staff, room service around the clock, cleaning every day, etc. during the daytime quiet hour and in the evening from the Russian-language channels only ORT-Germany and RTR-planet + some kind of music. the beds are big - the first night I was tortured to look for my wife there : ))
In general, good luck!
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