Magic lamp of Aladdin

Photo Notes (promotional tour)
it looks like we ended up in a country where we found not only oil, but also Aladdin's magic lamp : ))
1. We got to the great holiday on December 2 - 42 years of the unification of the Arab Emirates. Everywhere in the hotels, compositions made of fresh flowers (white, green, red, black - the colors of the national flag), cars are all decorated, people rested and had fun.
2. In the window there is a photo of a swimsuit (!!! ) of local women
3 Arabs cannot be photographed, but they really wanted to, so they stealthily took a photo. All places of recreation, clubs and restaurants at hotels, families all relax there and in shopping centers.
4. Bus stop. With air conditioning. Inside the screen with the schedule and scoreboard. But public transport is not so popular. Mostly taxis. Not very expensive. We traveled all the time by taxi. If the four of us, then dividing the amount, it turned out even cheaper. When landing, the amount of 3.50 dirhams immediately jumps out. The minimum cost of the trip is 10 dirhams. We arrived at the hotel for 8.50, but the driver needs to pay 10 dirhams, which is about 100 rubles. There is an underground metro. The carriages run without a driver!! ! The last carriage is only for women.
5. And this is a toilet room in one of the hotels. With TV, flowers. Armchairs, tables, fragrances. One can live in this toilet. . . especially after the Claridge hotel where we were "lucky" to stay overnight.
6. While we were waiting in the lobby of the manager to inspect the hotel, we went into a shop. We saw the clothes of Muslim women. It's called abaya. The owner of the store allowed us to dress up and take a photo. He seems to have enjoyed it himself. He dressed us up. Interestingly, in all stores you have to bargain. It's like a ritual!
7. On the gold market. Particularly impressive nets of gold to cover the face - for women
8. These cars with flags drove on December 2. The speed on city roads is 120 km. one day there was fog, the speed limit in the city was 80 km. There is a sticker on the windshields with a barcode called Salik. This is a toll card. You top it up like money on your phone, you drive along the highway, everything is automatically read. If there is no money on the card, then ride as much as you want. Only at the end of the year will come such a fine that you no longer want to. And in principle, there is zero crime. You can go late at night, no one will touch you. and the contingent is there....Indians, Pakistanis. There are more men than women. But at the same time they behave so correctly. The morality police are in full force. If a policeman stopped him for any violation, (and hired ones are also selected for the police, in the sense of non-local ones, taking into account the characteristics of each nation. Iranians are the toughest. If it occurs to you to challenge his decision, he will fine twice as much. And if if you continue to argue, they can put you behind bars for a day so that the violator cools down.
9. Passed by shop windows. We admired the golden sinks and bathroom. Everything is really gold!
10. Let's move on, in the windows of the car!! ! These are found on the roads. . .
11. Immediately after the anniversary on December 2, they began to dress up everything around for the new year. It's funny, all around is summer and heat and a Christmas tree!
12. The mosque, which was built in honor of Sheikh Zayed. They are allowed in only with a guide and at a certain time and in appropriate clothing. We were just passing by. especially since it was Friday, a day of prayer, a day off for everyone. Even transport and shops start working only after lunch.
When oil was found, Sheikh Zayed, whom everyone here idolizes, gave his people the opportunity to do business. When I saw that they could not properly manage their money, I began to send them to study at the expense of the state. He did everything for the country and the people. The local population is very rich people. The best designers and architects in the world are building this country. And all for the people, because Sheikh treats his country and people like his family. To be admired by the whole world, that's what he has. We also build "sheikhs" for their families with golden bathtubs for the whole world to admire, that's what I have!
The skyscrapers are such that it seemed like in the movie the fifth element, air taxis will begin to fly by.
Local women spend a lot of time in shopping centers and with their husbands! Watched the purchase of an evening open dress! She is all in black, closed up to her eyes, and the dress is in her hands, already at the checkout - oh la la!! ! The concept is as follows - it is closed to the people, but open to the husband. However, a woman is still a woman. Even designer abayas, to show jewelry and bags!! ! Bags from the best fashion designers. Bags are something that you can openly brag about (we made such a conclusion).
Men walk in kondura - in white clothes. The styles are also different and with cuffs, with designer cufflinks. All this is white! They carry three or four pieces of wallpaper in the car to change clothes during the day. All are fragrant. They say that before leaving the house, there is a bowl of incense on the threshold and he must stand over it and only after that go.
In general, an impressive mass, people live sensibly. Around the desert, sands, but clean and green. Love and respect for each other.... They say that 850 more hotels will be built for Expo 2020!