Voyage to Andorra. Part 5

I must admit I was a little worried, how was poor Vadik? Are you too bored? But with him everything was in relative order (not counting the knee, of course). There were several empty beer cans in the wastebasket. Friends left for Barcelona today. He led them. Then he went for a walk. Only thanks to this, I have some photos of the city in daylight.
Vadik said that he liked one jacket. Okay, let's go shopping.
Vadik took us straight to the Levi Strauss store. Lip no fool! Shows me some completely nondescript black Alaska. Well, for the life of me, but I don’t understand at all, why pay 220 euros there? Only and the fact that it is very warm. But fur could be attached to the hood some decent? Judging by the price, it should have been Shanghai leopards, not wild Cheburashka! I don't see any! No, well, of course, knowledgeable people will immediately see "by cotton and by labels. " But I am not one of them. Buy what you want! It's me Vadik. Bought. And I went through jeans. Similar to those that I bought on ShL for 13 bucks, here they cost under a hundred.
Let's move on. We went to an outlet. What I liked was not cheap at all. And what was cheap - frank junk. And even then, I will not say that it is direct, cheap! You can buy something similar from us for much less. I even measured something. The men toiled. But without buying anything, they left. But in a shoe store, I decided that I would not leave without a purchase.
I just need to understand what I really need? To be honest, I didn't need anything, but the shoes are really good! Timberland did not take it, she bought Spanish boots (in the good sense of the word), red, with fur. For 130 euros.
I also didn't seem to need perfume. But painfully, the prices were attractive. I chose Scandal. The saleswoman, it seemed to me, was trying to dissuade me. She offered a softer version, but I liked "by night". Men too, by the way. Then, the woman offered me to buy a bottle of 50 ml, but I took, nevertheless, 80 ml for 64 euros (I think). As a load, they gave me two probes - “Coco Mademoiselle” and some other ones from Givenchy. Disappointed, move on. Bought some for my granddaughter. Then - to the hypermarket. Take home gifts. Chocolates, sausage, port wine. How to take off with all this crap?
By the way, I was reminded here. In Andorra la Vella there is a thermal complex Caldea. I read reviews and people are complaining. Cold, expensive. But I wanted to take a bathing suit, just in case. But I didn’t take it - I decided, if anything, I’ll buy it on the spot. But I didn't find anything suitable. Paying 20 euros for only one detail - the toad crushed. Yes, and Nastya's children recognized - the entrance to the complex costs 40 euros for three hours. So none of us went there.
As for the Mango Outlet, we drove past it every day on the way to the mountain. There was such junk in the windows! In short, we never got there. Maybe in vain.
However, the check-in time for the flight has already come. But nothing worked for me - the site gave out some kind of window in English, which quickly closed. I didn’t even have time to read it properly, let alone show it to someone. Why does a Ukrainian company want to communicate with me in English? I do not understand! We had even more than a day of time, so I left this lesson for now, hoping that everything will work out by itself.
On the day before departure, we again went for a ride together with Oleg. Vadik tabanil. "Where are we going? " - I ask. "Don't know! ". We decided to let fate decide for itself - we will sit on the bus that comes first. The first was on La Massana (Vallnord). So be it! We are loading. I hold out coins to the driver. He rejected one, for some reason. Gave another.
We only needed ski passes for one day. The girl from whom we took last time had only two days, but we, just in case, decided to ask again. And, oh miracle! One girl just wanted to sell two ski passes - her parents got sick. She agreed to give them to us for 35 euros. It was possible, of course, to bargain, but we did not. Why profit off someone else's misfortune? And so we saved 5 euros! When she paid the girl, she also rejected the euro coin. So what's wrong with her? Take a closer look - and this is not the euro at all, but the Turkish lira! And it is very similar.
The weather was overcast. But it got warmer and the wind died down.
At lunch, we sat down on the deck in a cafe to rest. A lot of kids ran up - pupils of the ski school, 8-10 years old. Not far from us was a table with free mayonnaise - ketchup. And children, as you know, love all sorts of filth. They occupied this table and began to make mixes for themselves from the above ingredients. Well, and indulge, of course. How could it be without this? It remains a mystery to me how they managed not to get rid of them from head to toe?
The last day of skiing was coming to an end, but I never fell. I had bruises only on my calves. When landing, the chair each time knocked on my legs just above the boots. In order not to tempt fate, on this day I rode extremely carefully, choosing easier routes. But for a snack, we decided, nevertheless, to walk a couple of times along a short but black track, very similar to the Bukovel 5-a. The turnstile, for some reason, did not want to work. It must have been a sign! Aunt, enough already! Drive home! But the rope boy put his card and I passed.
Relax! I didn't break anything, thank God! But, going down, she firmly said to Oleg - Hare!
By the way, in the city we saw the office of the AXA company, whose insurance we bought. Vadik even wanted to go there. But I cooled it down. Most likely, the office is engaged only in the sale of policies. And what exactly do you want? To give you money for pulling your knee? Yep, right now! You need to call a doctor. At best, you will be paid for the treatment. Do you want to be treated? Not! And, first of all, they will take an analysis from you and say that no blood was found in your port wine! So sit (those).
When we returned, we found Vadik packing his luggage. Just opposite the hotel there is a shop selling all sorts of Chinese rubbish. There, for example, I bought disposable tableware on the DR. Paid 4 euros for a set of 12 plastic plates and 6 paper saucers. 130 hryvnia for disposable tableware! Here I am a spender! However, without her, it would not have been the same. And Vadik bought a wide adhesive tape there. He used them to attach chocolates and sausages to the skis. And bottles of port were stuffed into ski boots. Come on, I say, do not pack too much. We will be at the airport long before the flight. We'll weigh and repack everything. Let's go, it's better to walk!
We went to the cathedral.
An invisible organ was playing. There were about a dozen people on the benches. After listening for a couple of minutes, let's move on.
Poor Vadik was limping pretty badly. So we didn't go far. Doshkandybali to the square. What a beauty!
But looking to the right, I was just stunned!
It's just fantastic! Right, some kind of Armageddian! What, I wonder, does he portend?